Silent Cries of Plants Under Distress: How Plants Communicate Their Suffering - Latest Tech, Mobile News, Gadgets & Reviews Update |Techbrinks


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Monday 3 April 2023

Silent Cries of Plants Under Distress: How Plants Communicate Their Suffering

Silent Cries of Plants Under Distress: How Plants Communicate Their Suffering

Silent Cries of Plants Under Distress: How Plants Communicate Their Suffering

Plants are often thought of as passive, non-sentient beings that just stand still and grow. However, recent research has shown that plants are much more complex than we ever imagined. They are capable of communicating with each other, detecting the presence of predators, and even emitting sounds. In fact, plants make sounds when they suffer, but we cannot hear it. These silent cries of plants under distress are a fascinating and understudied aspect of plant behavior.

How Plants Communicate

Plants are known to communicate with each other through a variety of means. For example, they release chemicals into the air to signal to other plants that a predator is nearby. This allows nearby plants to activate their own defense mechanisms to protect themselves.

Plants are also known to communicate through their roots. When one plant is under stress, it can release chemicals into the soil that are detected by nearby plants. This can trigger a response in those plants, such as activating their own stress response or releasing their own chemicals to help protect the stressed plant.

Silent Cries of Plants Under Distress

But one aspect of plant communication that is often overlooked is the sounds they make when they are under stress. Researchers have found that plants emit sounds that are too high-pitched for humans to hear when they are under stress. These sounds are often caused by changes in the plant's water content or the movement of air within the plant.

One study found that tobacco plants emitted ultrasonic sounds when they were under attack by caterpillars. The sounds were detected by researchers using special equipment that could pick up sounds in the ultrasonic range. Another study found that tomato plants also emit ultrasonic sounds when their stems are cut or when they are exposed to drought.

What These Sounds Mean

While we cannot hear the sounds that plants make when they are under stress, it is believed that these sounds serve a purpose. Some researchers believe that sounds are a form of communication between plant and other organisms in their environment. For example, the sounds may signal to nearby predators that the plant is under stress and is not a good source of food.

Other researchers believe that the sounds may help the plant coordinate its own stress response. By emitting these sounds, the plant may be able to activate its own defense mechanisms more quickly and effectively, helping it to better protect itself from damage.


The silent cries of plants under distress are just one example of the complex and fascinating behavior of these seemingly simple organisms. While we may never be able to hear these sounds with our own ears, they are a reminder that there is still so much we have to learn about the world around us. By studying the behavior of plants, we can gain a better understanding of the interconnectedness of all life on earth and work to protect and preserve the natural world.

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